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A Ninki Nanka?
The Ninki Nanka is a mythical dragon that is said to live in the quieter creeks of the river Gambia. Some describe the Ninki Nanka as a big snake or dragon, others describe it as part crocodile, part horse, part giraffe. The Ninki Nanka is often feared and it is said that you will not live long if you have seen it directly. Though it may be viewed safely in the reflection of a mirror. The Ninki Nanka can also bring good luck and the scales of the dragon can bring good fortune to those who find them. The stories of the Ninki Nanka dragon are an important part of local folklore and intangible heritage which we aim to nurture.
The Ninki Nanka Trail is an exciting new responsible tourism initiative in The Gambia delivered in partnership with the Gambian Tourism Board and other stakeholders. The trail aims to disperse economic benefit to rural areas, diversify Gambia’s tourism product by providing new, authentic community-based and heritage experiences that build on the untapped potential of the River Gambia, and create opportunities for tourism to continue into the ‘Green (shoulder) Season’.
The trail takes an innovative approach to engaging the private sector in tourism development and poverty reduction in accordance with the concept of shared value and the principles of responsible tourism, creating better places to live and therefore better places to visit.
For more information about the Ninki Nanka Trail products and experiences see the tour operators product manual. This manual aims to provide Ninki Nanka Trail responsible tour operators with the key information about what responsible business and operational practices are required to do to ensure that the NNT achieves its’ objectives. It explains what being a responsible tour operator on the trail looks like in practice. It also provides market information about tourism services, activities and sites along the trail. These include accommodations, restaurants, local guides, ground operators/ handlers, boat transport, creative and cultural tour programmes, as well as booking and pricing systems in place for four NNT packages, with the option for additional tailor-made itineraries.
the ninki nanka trail Story so far..
The story of the Ninki Nanka Trail started on The River Gambia back in the 1980s and has involved a very wide range of people and
organisations along the way – all with a shared vision to use responsible tourism and the River Gambia to benefit local people and celebrate its’
natural and cultural heritage. Find out more about key events and faces in the timeline of this story below.
The NNT trail was officially launched on 18 th February 2020, unfortunately just before the outbreak of the COVID 19 global pandemic. Click here to read the press release.
Ninki Nanka Trail Product Manual
For more information about the Ninki Nanka Trail products and experiences see the tour operators product manual.
This manual aims to provide Ninki Nanka Trail responsible tour operators with the key information about what responsible business and operational practices are required to do to ensure that the NNT achieves its’ objectives. It explains what being a responsible tour operator on the trail looks like in practice. It also provides market information about tourism services, activities and sites along the trail. These include accommodations, restaurants, local guides, ground operators/handlers, boat transport, creative and cultural tour programmes, as well as booking and pricing systems in place for four NNT packages, with the option for additional tailor-made itineraries. An updated version is planned for 2021.
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Due to COVID-19, travelling in The Gambia is currently not possible. The government is monitoring the situation and is (re-)introducing measures where needed. Please always check both The Gambian and your home country's regulations before booking a trip. We look forward to welcoming you to The Gambia again very soon. Stay safe & healthy.